The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is calling on people with a disability, participants, their families and carers and the wider disability sector to have your say on the biggest changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), since it was introduced.

Three consultation papers have been released by the NDIA about proposed changes to how people access the NDIS,  planning and plan flexibility, and early intervention services.

Proposed improvements outlined in the consultation papers included: 

  • Increasing the age limit for the early childhood early intervention pathway from 7 to 9 years.
  • Introducing independent assessments as the primary source of information used to decide whether a person meets the access requirements of the NDIS, and what supports they should receive
  • changing the nature of planning conversations to focus on helping participants to consider how best to use their funds rather than needing to justify each individual support in order to secure funding.

You can read more about the consultation papers and have your say on the NDIS website, or contact WWDA to express any of your views and concerns at

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