Speak out. Speak up.

Please contribute to the Senate Inquiry into Violence and Abuse Against People with Disabilities in Institutional and Residential Settings.

Visit: http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Community_Affairs/Violence_abuse_neglect

  • Easy English guide to this inquiry (PDF 813KB)
  • Easy English guide to this inquiry (Word 26KB)
  • Easy English guide to making a submission (PDF 751KB)
  • Easy English guide to making a submission (Word 27KB)

Infographic: Monochrome image of young girl’s face, appears sad, looking off into distance. “Any service in the community that does not allow people with disability to make their own decisions, act on their own terms, or that segregates them or marginalises them, is an institution”.

Photo of an indistinguishable person holding their hand up in a stop motion.