Women With Disabilities Australia Inc.

ABN 23 627 650 121
We are a registered charity

Email: officeadmin@wwda.org.au
Phone: 0438 535 123


PO Box 407
Lenah Valley TAS 7008

Office Hours

Mon – Fri 9am – 4pm 

Need help?

Get the support you need

If you need emergency help, call the Police or Ambulance on 000.

Whether you’re seeking emotional support, legal advice, mental health assistance, or are recovering from violence or abuse, there are helplines available.


Individual Advocacy

WWDA focuses on broad advocacy, so we aren’t able to help with personal assistance or advocate for you individually.
For individual advocacy, you can find a nearby advocate through the National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP) service provider finder.


Make a Complaint

If you are unhappy or unsatisfied with a response or service by WWDA you can make a complaint. Learn how to make a complaint.

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