A coalition of Disability Representative Organisations has come together in a joint position statement in support of a national Human Rights Act in Australia.

The 12 organisations support a national Human Rights Act that protects the human rights of people with disabilities by integrating specific provisions for disability rights, ensuringcomprehensive coverage and targeted protections.

The Disability Royal Commission and the Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Framework have presented a critical opportunity to shape the future of human rights protections in Australia.

Our organisations recognise that a Human Rights Act can implement human rights into Australian law and provide for specific protections to address the unique rights violations that people with disability experience.

We believe that a comprehensive and judicially enforceable Human Rights Act should be implemented which specifically incorporates: 

  • Australia’s obligations under the CRPD and other human rights treaties;
  • the full range of civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights; 
  • the issues that would have been covered by a separate Disability Rights Acts (DRA); and
  • a legislative obligation for public authorities to act compatibly with the human rights expressed in the Human Rights Act and to consider human rights when making decisions.

“We believe that a Human Rights Act would better protect against the intersectional inequality and discrimination that women with disabilities and other multiply marginalised groups experience. We also believe a Human Rights Act would reflect the fundamental principle that human rights are interrelated and interdependent,” said Acting WWDA CEO, Sophie Cusworth.

The following organisations have contributed to and/or expressed their support for this joint position statement:

  • Australian Autism Alliance
  • Australian Federation of Disability Organisations 
  • Children and Young People with Disability Australia 
  • Disability Advocacy Network Australia
  • Down Syndrome Australia
  • First Peoples Disability Network Australia 
  • Inclusion Australia 
  • National Ethnic Disability Alliance 
  • People with Disability Australia
  • Physical Disability Australia 
  • Women With Disabilities Australia
This tile has a blue background. Slanted frames feature photos of people with diverse disabilities, ethnicities and backgrounds.