WWDA regularly seeks feedback from our diverse community to improve our work and better understand the  issues that matter to you.

We invite everyone – women, girls and gender-diverse individuals with disabilities, their families, carers, friends, allies and professionals to share their insights through our surveys. 

Current Surveys


Sex and the NDIS

Last year, we held a Forum about Sex and the NDIS. We heard how important it is to be able to access sexual supports and services.

There has been a lot happening in the news about sex and the NDIS in the last few weeks, and we want to know what you think.

Your feedback will help us to tell the NDIS what kind of supports you need.

Have your say!

There is also an Easy Read survey! If you would like the Easy Read survey, please email sarahs@wwda.org.au or call 0438 535 123.

If you need help to complete the survey, you can also contact us by email at sarahs@wwda.org.au or call on 0438 535 123.