The Our Site team today launched their national online ‘Have Your Say’ Survey.

The survey continues the co-design approach as a new ground-breaking website is created. The website will focus on awareness, reduction, and prevention of violence against women, girls, feminine identifying, and non-binary people with disability.

The aim is for members, friends, parents and carers, networks, and the wider community to complete the survey. Not only women, girls, feminine identifying and non-binary people with disabilities, but also anyone who works in gender-based violence-related fields.

To thank you for your time and energy you are invited to go into the draw to win one of five $100 gift cards

The survey is open through July and can be found here.

Image: a graphic illustration, designed by WWDA member Kay Barnard. The graphic shows multiple boxes with some illustrations and some text. The box in the top left hand corner shows a person in a wheelchair at a desk in front of a computer with a bookshelf in the background, the three boxes in the top right hand corner show different patterns in shades of green and purple, the box in the bottom left hand corner has three sections to it with the words 'HAVE' 'YOUR' 'SAY' in them, the bottom right hand corner box shows two adults and a younger person all looking at a device. There is a banner box at the bottom of the whole graphic that says 'OUR SITE SURVEY