New Publications Coming Soon

At WWDA and WWDA Youth Network we are are putting the finishing touches on our suite of youth-friendly position statements. The position statements will include:

  • Violence
  • Decision-Making
  • Participation
  • Sexual and Reproductive Rights
  •  Work and Education
  • Justice
  • Young Women and Girls with Disability

WWDA will also be releasing additional several new position statements as part of our Human Rights Toolkit including:

  • Employment & Social Protection
  • Young Women and Girls with Disability

Look out for their release in June.

P.s. WWDA have an exciting announcement coming up next week about our status with the United Nations!

P.p.s We are super excited about hosting our workshop for young women and girls with disability in Melbourne next Saturday!

Policy and Submissions

  • WWDA provided feedback and input into the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission’s draft Guidelines on Inclusive Service Delivery.
  • WWDA is writing a submission to the Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities’ study on the right to liberty and security of persons with disabilities.
  • WWDA is writing a submission on the draft National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Code of Conduct. See ‘Have Your Say’ section below to see how you can contribute directly to consultation.
  • WWDA and DPO Australia made a submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee inquiry into the delivery of outcomes under the National Disability Strategy 2010-2010 (NDS) to build inclusive and accessible communities.
  • WWDA and DPO Australia worked with a coalition of Australian non-government organisations to prepare a report to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. This report will assist the Committee to review Australia’s progress in achieving economic, social and cultural rights for people in Australia. This review will take place at the UN at the end of May 2017. Access the full report.


  • WWDA and DPO Australia led a campaign to ensure that the Federal Budget 2017-18 was responsive to, and inclusive of people with disability. We welcomed some wins for people with disability in the Budget, but remain concerned by the punitive approach to welfare support that will make life harder for those doing it tough, including people with disability. Access our Budget response.

Have Your Say

Have Your Say on the NDIS Code of Conduct

The Commonwealth is developing a national Code of Conduct to promote safe and ethical service delivery for the full scheme NDIS.

The development of a Code of Conduct is an important part of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework which was released in February 2017.

Consultation is now open on the draft Code of Conduct and we encourage people with disability, their families and carers, providers and workers to share their comments and feedback.

The Code of Conduct sets out national standards and outlines expectations of behaviour for providers and workers delivering NDIS supports and services.

Once finalised, the Code will be overseen by the new NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission announced in Budget.

To get involved, visit to read the Discussion Paper, complete the survey or make a submission.

Consultation will be open until 5pm (AEST), 21 June 2017.

 The Right to Independence and Inclusion

The United Nations Committee that overseas the Convention on the Rights of People with Disability (CRPD) have released their Draft General Comment on the right of persons with disabilities to live independently and be included in the community (CRPD, Article 19).

General Comments help Governments and other stakeholders to develop a shared understanding of what a specific human rights article means and how it can be implemented.

In the Australian context, Article 19 of the CRPD has particular relevance as we move toward a full NDIS roll-out and as many call on Governments to address housing affordability issues.

Organisations can make submissions regarding the Draft General Comment up until 30 June 2017.

From Our Members

Do you write, blog or create media?

WWDA and WWDA Youth Network are happy to promote creative and engaging work by our members on our Facebook pages, websites and in this newsletter. Let us know if you have something you would like to share or if you have found a resource or website you think others might be interested in.

Purple cirlce with pink text: 'WWDA News.'