Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA) invites nominations from WWDA members who would like to become Management Committee Members.

  • There are five vacancies on the Management Committee.
  • Committee members will be appointed for a 3-year term beginning at the next Annual General Meeting in January 2019.
  • Nominations must be received by 5:30pm on Tuesday 4 December 2018.
  • If more nominations are received than available vacancies, a ballot will be held. Nominees may then be asked to prepare a short statement as to why they are seeking election to the Committee.
  • Office bearers will be elected at the first Committee meeting following the Annual General Meeting.

How to Nominate

  1. Please download and read the WWDA Management Committee Position Description (DOC).
  2. Please download, complete and return the Nomination Form (DOC).
  3. To be eligible for nomination, individuals must:
  • Identify as a woman with disability.
  • Be a full member of WWDA.
  • Live in Australia.

If you are not currently a member of WWDA but would like to nominate, please send a completed Membership Form along with your nomination.

NB: Please contact WWDA on the details below if you would like the nomination form in a different format or to make a nomination by phone or other method.

Please return completed forms to:

Sharon Williams
Office Manager/Executive Assistant

For further information, please call:
0438 535 123

White text against purple background: 'Call for Nominations. WWDA Management Committee'