Between January and August 2016 Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA) conducted a six-month project to assess the adequacy and accessibility of 1800 RESPECT – the national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service for people living in Australia. In consultation with over 100 women and girls with disability from around Australia, the 1800 RESPECT: Improving Service Responses for Women with Disability Experiencing Violence project identified forty-three recommendations for making 1800 RESPECT more inclusive of, and responsive to, the needs of women and girls experiencing all forms of violence and abuse. The extensive report and the recommendations cover: (1) Future Directions: Whole of Government, (2) Service Conceptualisation, Model, Scope and Role, (3) Marketing and Communications, (4) Inclusive and Accessible Service Design, (5) Service Quality, Monitoring and Evaluation, (6) Referral and Response, (7) Data Collection and Use, (8) Collaboration and Innovation. Copyright WWDA 2016.
