Oceanic Pacific Regional Convening of the Women Deliver 2023 Conference

In June 2023, WWDA Staff member Sophie Cusworth attended the Oceanic Pacific Regional Convening of the Women Deliver 2023 Conference.

During the event, there was an agreement to reconvene the session “Nothing about us without us: Regional Dialogue on Disability” to allow better attendance for people with disability with the aim to develop some recommendations and key priorities. Those are now available via the below statement.

Women Deliver Oceanic Pacific Region – Women with Disabilities Statement

This statement aims to summarise issues across key thematic areas and provide solutions for change. The most significant cross-cutting theme for women and non-binary people within the Pacific Region is climate change and ecological damage, biodiversity protection, disaster risk reduction, management and response.

WWDA Youth Development Officer Margherita Dall’Occo-Vaccaro and WWDA Senior Policy Officer Sophie Cusworth contributed to the collective statement. The statement is endorsed by WWDA and refers to several WWDA publications.
