On 9th August 2013, WWDA gave a presentation to the National Roundtable ‘Political Participation, Inclusion and Decision Making,’ held in Sydney, and hosted by the Disability Rights Research Collaboration. The Roundtable brought together researchers and Disabled People’s Organisations (DPO’s) to explore how political participation and decision making for people with disabilities can be reconceptualised, particularly in light of CRPD Articles 12, 19, 29, 30 and 33. WWDA President Karin Swift represented WWDA at the National Roundtable, where she presented a keynote address authored by WWDA Executive Director (Carolyn Frohmader) and Karin Swift. WWDA’s presentation highlighted the fact that whilst access to decision-making, political participation and representation are essential markers of gender equality, women and girls with disabilities in Australia are often excluded from, and denied opportunities to participate in decision-making about issues that affect their lives and those of their families, community and nation. WWDA’s presentation examined some of the ways this exclusion manifests, and also highlighted the kinds of reforms that are required to create full and meaningful participation and inclusion for disabled women and girls. The presentation also highlighted some activities WWDA has been involved with at an international level as a Civil Society Organisation (CSO) to promote the participation, inclusion and representation of women with disabilities. Copyright WWDA August 2013.
