In 2020 the Disability Royal Commission released an issues paper on Employment. The issues paper asked 9 questions about why people with disability are less likely to be employed and have lower incomes than people without disability, how people with disability experience discrimination at work and how well specific programs designed to increase the employment of people with disability are working. 

You can read and download the issues paper on the Royal Commission website.

WWDA has now submitted our response to the issues paper. WWDA’s submission outlines the intersectional disadvantage experienced y women with disability in relation to employment and highlights key recommendations to improve the economic stability of women with disability and the accessibility of the workforce.

The recommendations are categorised into the following key areas:

  • Segregation of People with Disability in Australia 
  • Legislative and Policy Frameworks
  • Intersectionality, Disability & Gender  
  • The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 
  • Safeguards and Redress 
  • An adequate standard of living for people with disability in Australia
  • Research, Education and Data Collection.

Download WWDA’s submission:

Screenshot of the front cover of the Royal Commission submission into employment.