The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) was adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 61/106 of 13 December 2006. Article 40 of the Convention stipulates that “The States Parties shall meet regularly in a Conference of States Parties in order to consider any matter with regard to the implementation of the present Convention.” The Sixth session of the Conference of States Parties (COSP) to the CRPD was held in New York from 17-19 July 2013. The theme of the 6th Session was “Ensuring adequate standard of living: empowerment and participation of persons with disabilities within the framework of the CRPD”. WWDA sought a grant from the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) under its Disability International Participation Funding Program to contribute to the costs of a WWDA delegate (Ms Margie Charlesworth) to attend and participate in the sixth session of the COSP to the CRPD. This Report has been compiled by Margie Charlesworth following her return to Australia from the 6th Session of the COSP, held in New York 17-19 July 2013. The Report describes Margie’s experiences as a woman with a disability representing WWDA for the first time at an international event. Copyright WWDA July 2013.
