Over a month ago, WWDA submitted to the Australian Government’s Long-Term Insights Briefing Pilot: AI, trustworthiness and public service delivery. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is delivering significant economic and societal benefits. As an enabling capability, AI is optimising and augmenting many aspects of our lives.

WWDA welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the discussion on how the use of artificial intelligence will impact how people with disability experience Australian public services. While AI provides opportunities for advancing disability rights, in particular through the use of assistive technologies and the democratisation of knowledge and information, it also poses significant risks.

Our submission highlights 5 important areas for discussion:

  • Factors influencing trust in the delivery of public services 
  • Possible consequences of using AI to deliver public services 
  • What specific aspects or areas of public service delivery will the use of AI will 
  • What should the public service do to preserve trust when using AI? 
  • What areas should the public service focus on over the next 10 years to meet the Australian community’s evolving needs? 

The submission also provides 18 recommendations.
