WWDA advocates for a national Human Rights Act to protect the human rights of people with disabilities in Australia. Current legal frameworks are insufficient, as highlighted by the Disability Royal Commission, which revealed violence, neglect, and abuse. While the Commission recommended a standalone Disability Rights Act, WWDA believes a comprehensive Human Rights Act would better address the inequalities and intersectional discrimination faced by people with disabilities, particularly women, girls, feminine identifying and non-binary people. This approach would align with international obligations and ensure a cohesive and inclusive protection of rights.

A National Human Rights Act, as proposed by the Australian Human Rights Commission, would incorporate obligations from various human rights treaties, including the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It would promote an understanding of human rights as interconnected and provide mechanisms for addressing violations. The success of state-based human rights legislation in Australia demonstrates the effectiveness of broad human rights protections, suggesting that a national framework would ensure consistency and better uphold the rights of people with disabilities across all states and territories.

Read WWDA’s position, what it could look like and our full recommendations in our position statement.