As the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) 67th sesssion begins this year, women with disabilities around the world are mourning the he Passing of Judy Heumann, Disability Rights Activist.

Judith “Judy” Heumann—widely regarded as “the mother” of the disability rights movement—passed away in Washington, D.C. on the afternoon of March 4, 2023. Judy was at the forefront of major disability rights demonstrations, helped spearhead the passage of disability rights legislation, founded national and international disability advocacy organizations, held senior federal government positions, co-authored her memoir, Being Heumann, and its Young Adult version, Rolling Warrior, and was featured in the Oscar-nominated documentary film, Crip Camp : A Disability Revolution.

You can read more about Judy and find details about the memorial service to commemorate her life here.

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A collage of two photos of Judy Heumann. To the left; A black and white photo of Judy Heumann at the 504 protests in the 70s. Judy is a white woman with short brown hair who uses a wheelchair. She is wearing glasses and a jacket with a pin that says “Sign 504 Now” She is passionately speaking at a microphone. To the right; A headshot of Judy Heumann, a white woman with shoulder-length brown hair wearing red glasses, a blue v-neck shirt, and a gold necklace. She is smiling warmly.