Women with Disabilities Australia is excited to announce that it has received funding from the NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme under the Information Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) program to create a Virtual Centre for Women and Girls with Disability.

The Virtual Centre will be an online one-stop shop for accessible, inclusive and practical resources and information for women and girls with disability, their families, friends, support persons, and carers.

The Virtual Centre will focus on providing information on the rights of women and girls with disability to:

1. Decision-making and agency

2. Leadership and participation

3. Sexual and reproductive health


4. Safety from all forms of violence.

These four priority areas have been identified by women with disability in Australia through community-wide consultation and engagement processes, backed by an extensive and growing body of evidence-based research.

Women and girls with disability struggle with a lack of resources available in each of the four priority areas in formats that are inclusive and accessible to them, their families, friends, support persons and carers. The Virtual Centre will help to address this gap.

The Virtual Centre will also provide information that may assist front-line workers and professionals to make referral pathways and mainstream services more inclusive of, and accessible to, women and girls with disability.

Women and girls with disability across Australia will lead, and be central to, the development of the Virtual Centre at every stage.

This will include the selection and creation of content and resources, advising on the design and accessibility of the Virtual Centre, and participating as members of project governance and advisory structures.

We will be sending out further information soon about how you can directly contribute to the Virtual Centre project.

Join our mailing list and stay tuned:


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