WWDA would like to congratulate WWDA Board Member, Jody Barney on being appointed to The First Nations Peoples Strategic Advisory Group (FNPSAG) for the Disability Royal Commission. The FNPSAG has been set up to support the Royal Commission in its work by providing leadership and guidance on matters specific to First Nations peoples with disability. The FNPSAG is an advisory group, not a decision-making body. 

Jody has been a very active WWDA Board Member since 2019 and has been heavily involved in major WWDA projects including Our Site (link to Our Site). 

Jody is a Birri-Gubba/Urangan Deaf woman from Queensland. As a leading Aboriginal Disability Cultural Trainer and Consultant, she has worked for over 35+ years in the disability space across Australia and internationally.

Jody is the first Deaf Senior Fellow with Atlantic Fellows Social Equity and Global Fellow for Social Change. Jody is very passionate about her work in promoting the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disabilities and is widely recognised. 

Read more about Jody Barney on the Disability Royal Commission website.

We are very proud of her appointment and wish her luck in her new role.

WWDA Board Member Jody Barney