On 15 March 2022, WWDA will be presenting at the 2022 NGOCSW forum.

Join us for a presentation on our accessible and one of a kind website, Our Site, made by and for women and girls with disability.

Our Site is website where women and girls with disability can learn about their rights. Our Site provides information, stories, videos, and other resources on the main topics that women with disabilities prioritised themselves through co-design methods.

This presentation will discuss how the website was developed using an inclusive co-design approach – which ensured the consistent and genuine involvement of women with disability – and will offer tips for other organisations working with women and girls with disability.

Date: 15th March, 2022

Time: 3pm AEDT, 12am EST

Click here to register here.

Visit Our Site at: www.oursite.wwda.org.au

Accessibility: Captioning and International Sign language (ISL) will be provided. Please let us know if you have any other accessibility requirements by emailing Director@wwda.org.au

Light purple background, dark green UN Women logo, with the text 14-25 March 2022, CSW66, Commission on the status of women. Purple text underneath reads Our Site: Empowering women and girls with disability through co-design. Date 15th march 2022, Time: 3pm AEST, 12pm EST.