In This Edition

  • Australian Cross Disability Alliance Calls for Investment in Australians with Disability For Future Prosperity
  • National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 Progress Report to COAG 2014
  • Entertainment: Falling in Love with Frida
  • Paper: ANROWS Landscapes on Violence Against Women in Indigenous Communities
  • Australian Government Launch Carer Gateway
  • Call for Submissions: Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Services for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Report: Violence Against Children with Disabilities: Legislation, Policies and Programmes in the European Union

General News

Hello 2016!

Welcome to the first WWDA News bulletin for 2016! We trust you had a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year period and we look forward to keeping you up to date about the national and international work of WWDA over the coming year.

Remember if you have an article or news you think we should include in this bulletin, just email

In the mean time, you can keep up to date with WWDA by liking the WWDA Facebook page, following us on Twitter, or checking out the WWDA website.

P.s. Look out for the 2014/2015 WWDA Annual Report in your email soon!

Australian News

National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 Progress Report to COAG 2014

The Australian Government Department of Social Services have released the National Disability Strategy (NDS) 2010-2020 Progress Report to the Council of Australian Governments.

The full report, including accessible versions of the report, are now available on the Department of Social Services website.

“The Australian National Disability Strategy 2010–2020 sets out a ten-year national policy framework for improving the lives of Australians with disability, their families and carers. This report is the first of four two-yearly progress reports to the Council of Australian Governments (COAG). The report provides a high-level view of progress under the strategy based on reporting from Australian Government, and state, territory and local government agencies on the implementation of policies and programmes which will contribute to achieving the strategy’s vision for ‘An inclusive Australian society that enables people with disability to fulfil their potential as equal citizens.’”

WWDA has contributed to the development of the strategy will continue to call on governments to include gender as a central consideration in the development of legislation, policy and programs to advance gender equality and to promote the human the rights of women and girls with disabilities. WWDA’s ‘Gender Blind, Gender Neutral’ submission urge Governments to ensure the NDS provides gender specific measures and women-specific initiatives, programs and projects in order to address the undisputed gender inequalities and ultimately, to achieve the NDS vision of ‘an inclusive Australian society that enables people with disability to fulfil their potential as equal citizens’.

Further information:

Entertainment: Falling in Love with Frida

Riverside Theatres and Outlandish Arts Present Caroline Bowditch Falling in Love with Frida theatre production at the Lennox Theatre (Parramatta, NSW) on 4th & 5th of March 2016.

“Falling in Love with Frida is an intimate and enticing performance exploring the life, loves and legacy of painter Frida Kahlo (1907 – 1954).

After a sell-out run and Herald Angel Award at Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2014, Caroline Bowditch presents Falling In Love With Frida

It is a reclaiming of a disabled artist, a love like obsession, and an enquiry into how we shape what we are remembered for and how much we can really control others’ memories of us. It exposes many little-known facts about the infamous woman, remembered for her art. Where affinities and parallels are drawn, happy distractions are employed and a tale of ‘the great concealer’ is skilfully revealed by and through powerful yet fragile bodies.”

The production includes AUSLAN integrated and Audio Described performances.

Further information & tickets:

Paper: ANROWS Landscapes on Violence Against Women in Indigenous Communities

The Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) have released a new ANROWS Landscapes State of Knowledge paper:

Existing knowledge, practice and responses to violence against women in Australian Indigenous communities: State of knowledge paper (PDF Only 4.88MB).

This paper is a comprehensive review of published literature to present the current state of knowledge, practice and responses to violence against women in Australian Indigenous communities. It was guided by the following questions:

  • What is known about violence against Indigenous women?
  • How do Indigenous women and communities see and experience violence against women (including how do they define family violence)?
  • What are the current responses (programs or approaches) to violence against women in Indigenous communities?
  • What are the Indigenous viewpoints on what works and what is needed?

The review found that the cumulative nature of socio-economic disadvantage (such as personal, family and economic related stressors) and the lasting effects of colonisation are thought to be linked to violence against women in Indigenous communities. Any attempts to reduce violence in Indigenous communities requires a multi-faceted and holistic approach including efforts to improve the wider social, economic and health of Indigenous communities.

Much of the grey literature contained information about Indigenous viewpoints on “what works” to prevent violence against women. Approaches to dealing effectively with violence, and which are valued by Indigenous communities, include cultural based leadership and governance, and programs focused on preventing the transfer of intergenerational trauma.

Further information:

Australian Government Launch Carer Gateway

In December 2015 the Australian Government launched the new Carer Gateway. Carer Gateway is a national online and phone service that provides practical information and resources to support carers. The interactive service finder helps carers connect to local support services.

Further information:

Call for Submissions: Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Services for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder

The Victorian Parliament Family and Community Development Committee is now seeking submissions for its Inquiry into Services for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Terms of Reference are now available and the committee is developing an Easy Read guide to assist people who wish to make a submission. Submissions close on Friday 18th March 2016.

The Terms of Reference of the inquiry are:

To the Family and Community Development Committee to inquire into,consider and report, no later than 31 May 2016, on services for people with autism spectrum disorder in Victoria, including but not limited to —

a. the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder in Victoria;

b. the availability and adequacy of services provided by the Commonwealth, State and local governments across health, education, disability, housing, sport and employment services;

c. the adequacy of services to be provided under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS);

d. evidence of the social and economic cost of failing to provide adequate services; and

e. the projected demand for services in Victoria.

Further Information:

International News

Report: Violence Against Children with Disabilities: Legislation, Policies and Programmes in the European Union

International, European and national law all recognise the right to protection from all forms of violence. But even though protective measures are available, girls and boys with disabilities are more likely than their peers to experience violence, sexual abuse or bullying in schools, at home or in institutions across the European Union; they also often face violence linked to their disability.

This new report from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) outlines relevant international and European standards and reviews national legislation and policies addressing violence against children with disabilities. The report also explores the extent and different causes, settings and forms of such violence, and presents measures and initiatives to prevent it.

Further information:

Australian Cross Disability Alliance

Media Release: Australian Cross Disability Alliance Calls for Investment in Australians with Disability for Future Prosperity

The Australian Cross Disability Alliance is calling on the Government to end speculation about the National Disability Insurance Scheme and to give certainty to all Australians with disability.

The NDIS is an essential part of our social infrastructure that will ensure that all Australians with disability finally have the support they need. This long overdue investment in people with disability and their families will enable more people to move into work, and also create jobs in the disability support sector. Reporting on just the costs of the NDIS misses the increase to GDP from the NDIS and the other economic benefits of having more Australians able to participate in the community.

Delivery of the NDIS on time and in full was a key commitment by the Coalition to Australians going into the 2013 federal election and one that, so far, they have delivered under two Prime Ministers.

For further information:

Keep Up-to-Date with the Australian Cross Disability Alliance
WWDA is a founding member of the Australian Cross Disability Alliance (ACDA). ACDA has an online presence at and are also on Twitter.

WWDA Youth Network

As always, get the latest from WWDA Youth Network on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and the website!

If you have a news item, story, or other contribution you think could be included in the next WWDA News bulletin, contact

Purple cirlce with pink text: 'WWDA News.'