WWDA  is proud to announce the release of the WWDA Activity Work Plan for 2015-2016

Our workplan embeds and reflects the key purpose of our organisation – to promote and advance the human rights of women and girls with disability. The human rights based approach to our work recognises and respects that the international human rights normative framework, including the international human rights treaties and their optional protocols, and the General Comments and recommendations adopted by the bodies monitoring their implementation, provide the framework to illustrate the obligations and responsibilities of governments and other duty-bearers in relation to the human rights of women and girls with disability. It is this framework that WWDA works from and within, to promote and indeed demand, accountability and due diligence from Governments and other duty bearers in relation to recognising and addressing the violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms experienced by women and girls with disability.

WWDA’s Work Plan 2015-2016 will see our organisation work to consolidate our role as a leader in the national and international gender equality and disability rights arenas. We will continue to work globally, particularly with the United Nations agencies and processes, enabling and representing the collective interests of women and girls with disability. We will continue, and grow our capacity, to work with emerging groups of women with disability across the globe, particularly those in developing countries. We will also continue to enhance and promote communication and information to our members, potential members and stakeholders, and will seek out opportunities to extend the reach of our organisation throughout Australia and globally. Importantly, 2015-2016 will see significant development of WWDA’s internal and external infrastructure, systems and operations in ways which support the growth and changing needs of WWDA; including for our key role as a member organisation of the Australian Cross Disability Alliance.

WWDA, will, as always, continue our dedicated efforts to develop innovative, responsive initiatives that are centred on the priority issues identified by women with disability. We will stimulate debate, promote research, policy and program development, and advocate for legislative change in the policy priority areas identified by our members – notably: gendered disability violence; sexual and reproductive rights; gender equality and equity; gendering the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), and much more.

WWDA will continue to build on our key role in the production and dissemination of high quality information, publications and research on issues relevant to women and girls with disability. Inherent in this will be our work to further develop our website as an internationally recognised clearing-house and repository for historical and contemporary information on women and girls with disability, and to grow the WWDA Youth Network – an initiative of WWDA to specifically engage with, and build the capacity of young women with disability aged 13-30 years. WWDA will expand and enhance social media and other relevant digital online platforms to extend the reach of the organisation. The coming year will see WWDA, as a member of the Australian Cross Disability Alliance (ACDA), develop new stakeholder communication and engagement strategies and procedures to ensure regular and consistent contact with not only WWDA members and stakeholders, but the broader ACDA stakeholder base.

WWDA’s Work Plan 2015-2016 contains seven key objectives. It includes as an attachment, the priority Work Plan for the Australian Cross Disability Alliance (ACDA), which contains 5 key outcome areas. As the ACDA moves forward to develop more detailed planning processes and priority actions for its future work, WWDA’s activity work plan will be integrated into the work of the Australian Cross Disability Alliance (ACDA).

Download the WWDA Activity Workplan 2015-2016 [Workplan PDF] | [Workplan DOC]

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