WWDA and CYDA are collaborating to capture the experiences of young women, feminine-identifying and non-binary people aged between 15-30 years to provide feedback to the Disability Royal Commission.

We want to hear your stories, experiences and ideas so we can share them with the Disability Royal Commission (DRC) to let them know what you think could be done better for people with disability.  The DRC will use this important information and suggestions given by young people to make recommendations to the Australian Government, so that positive changes can be implemented. Through the DRC we can create the future we want, together!

If you can’t make it to one of our forums, or would prefer to have your say via a survey then this is the way to do it!

Survey closes 30th September, 2021.

If you need help to complete the survey please email Tess tessm@wwda.org.au or call/text 0459 887 170.

dark purple background various coloured semi-circles around edge. White text reads “Complete our survey and have your say!” Under it, smaller white text reads “Are you a young woman, feminine-identifying or non-binary person with disability? We invite you to share YOUR story with OUR Disability Royal Commission”. Logos of WWDA & CYDA in the bottom corners