Our April Newsletter was sent out to our members and subscribers.

If you would like to receive these emails you can become member or subscribe.

April’s newsletter included information on:

Disability Royal Commission

  • Our Disability Royal Commission Webinar: Recording now available! 
  • New WWDA Submissions
  • Upcoming Public Hearings

Family Violence

  • Developing the next National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children
  • Parliamentary Inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence


  • WWDA responds to the Inquiry into Independent Assessments


  • Do you want to connect with other disabled woman? 
  • Are you artistic? Submit to our Art Prize! 
  • WWDA LEAD Scholarships applications closed
  • New WWDA LEAD Blog post


  • Our Site: Telling your employer about your disability
  • Have your say: National Disability Employment Strategy
  • Victorian Disability Worker Commission


  • COVID-19 Vaccines roll-out
  • If you are eligible, book your vaccine online
  • More information on Our Site

Other News

  • Second review of the Premises Standards 2010
Purple background with white text: WWDA Newsletter