The Disability Royal Commission is holding a series of public hearings around the country to gather evidence about violence, neglect, abuse and exploitation of people with disability.

Public hearings are formal proceedings in which witnesses give evidence, under oath or affirmation, about events and issues that are relevant to the Disability Royal Commission’s terms of reference.

All public hearings of the Royal Commission are recorded and streamed live on the Royal Commission website. Every public hearing will have live captioning and Auslan-English interpreters.

For more information about how public hearings work. visit:

You can find the list of upcoming public hearings on the DRC’s website – Our Schedule.

Want to learn more about the DRC?

Learn more about the DRC on our website or contact Heidi at WWDA on

Want help tell your story?

Find out how to tell your story and where to get support on our website.

Check WWDA’s submissions to the DRC.

You can view all of our submissions to the DRC on our website.

dark purple background with different coloured circles around the outside. White text reads Public Hearings