Women With Disabilities Australia and the Australian Women’s Health Alliance welcome the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft lists of NDIS Supports. Our organisations write to express deep concern about the potential exclusion of menstrual products from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), and their categorisation as ‘lifestyle related’ items within the draft lists.

The submission, informed by a survey of over 180 people from our community, talks about how disability can impact the types of products people need to manage their periods.  

We call on the NDIA to:

  • Include menstrual products as assistive products for personal care.
  • Ensure access to appropriate & accessible menstrual products. 
  • Uphold the rights & dignity of people with disabilities.

Signatories to this submission

The following organisations endorse this joint submission:

  • Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA)
  • Australian Women’s Health Alliance (AWHA)
  • Inclusion Australia (IA)
  • Women with Disabilities ACT (WWDACT)
  • Women with Disabilities Victoria (WDV)