WWDA is proud to launch the Towards Reproductive Justice for young women, girls, feminine identifying, and non-binary people with disability (YWGwD) Report and accompanying resources.

The report was in response to the Consumer Health forum on the topic of universal access to reproductive health, that aimed to identify and address the barriers to achieving priorities under the National Women’s Health Strategy for ‘universal access to sexual and reproductive health information, treatment and services that offer options to women to empower choice and control in decision-making about their bodies’,

This new set of resources and report were made in co-design with Young Women, Girls, Feminine Identifying and Non-Binary people with disability which was initiated following WWDA’s original survey into sexual and reproductive rights awareness and knowledge. The report examines the survey findings and brings awareness to the current experiences of young women and gender-diverse people with disability. The resources were created to empower young people with disability to learn more about their rights and where they can find support. 

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