In 2020 the Disability Royal Commission released an issues paper on Violence and Abuse at Home. The issues paper includes 13 questions asking the public to share their views about how people with disability experience violence and abuse where they live.

You can read and download the issues paper on the Royal Commission website.

WWDA has now submitted a response to the issues paper. WWDA’s response includes recommendations which aim to improve the current national approach to responding to and preventing gender-based violence (including domestic and family violence) in Australia. WWDA considers the recommendations as essential to achieving an inclusive and non-discriminatory framework that responds to and addresses all forms of violence experienced by women and girls with disability, regardless of the setting/place in which it occurs, and regardless of who perpetrates it.

The response includes 26 recommendations for consideration, grouped under four key areas, which are:

  • Enhancements to the evidence and conceptual base
  • Responding to the challenges within legal environments and ensuring a human rights-based approach
  • Operationalising an intersectional approach and holistic programs for women and girls with disability
  • A fit for purpose sector expertise driven policy environment

Download WWDA’s submission:

Photo of a young girlw ith brown hair sitting in a wheelchair in the garden under a blossoming tree