Kelly Cox is the Vice President of People with Disabilities Australia and Co-Lead of the 2022 CoSP Civil Society delegation. Kelly is a disabled person that uses a powered wheelchair for mobility and was affected by the major floods that happened in the Northern Rivers of Northern NSW in February and March of 2022.

Kelly, has dedicated much of her time and resources to collating the stories of other disabled and marginalised people that have been affected by this flood with the intention of highlighting issues that disabled people face when impacted by natural disasters.

In June 2022, Kelly presented these stories to the 15th session of the United Nations Conference of States Parties (CoSP) to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in New York.

You can download Kelly’s booklet here.

Image of Kelly Cox, Kelly has light brown hair, is wearing glasses, and a colourful scarf. There are plants that are blurry in the background.