Over the next two years the WWDA LEAD program will deliver a range of leadership and peer networking opportunities and initiatives including scholarships, online programs and activities to ensure that women, girls and non-binary people can explore what leadership means to them.

To help us understand the types of activities that are important to women, girls and non-binary people with disability we would like to ask you some quick questions in this short survey.

The survey can either be completed below or it can be completed using the Easy Read Survey Form.

The survey will be open until 15th January and if you would like to contact us to give you feedback in alternative ways please email us at spo@wwda.org.au or text us at 0448758539.

Survey links:

Light blue background, an illustration of 4 women representing diversity and disability. Heading says LEAD, Lead, Engage, Activate, Drive. Underneath as a seperate purple heading that says WWDA LEAD Survey.