Today we sent out a WWDA Newsletter to our members and subscribers with updates from the team and the industry.

If you would like to receive these emails you can become member or subscribe.

Today’s Newsletter includes information on:


  • The Rural Women with Disability COVID-19 Webinar
  • Call for WWDA Blog Commentary (Paid Opportunity)
  • Open letter to the Attorney-General The Hon. Christian Porter MP
  • Meet new WWDA member – Jude Marshall
  • WWDA’s Top tips for interacting on social media

Disability Royal Commission (DRC)

  • Public Hearing: Psychotropic medication, behaviour support and behaviours of concern
  • WWDA’s Employment Submission
  • Disability Legal Support and Counselling

WWDA Youth Network Update

  • Apply to join the WWDA Youth Network Advisory Group
  • Report from the Youth Futures Summit 2020
  • NYDA Youth Summit 2020
  • CCYDN EVENT: Taking charge of our future
  • Subscribe to WWDA Youth Newsletter!


  • NDIS Independant Assessment FAQs
  • Support for participants with coronavirus (COVID-19)
  • COVID-19 Hotline for people with disability
  • More information on COVID-19

National Disability Strategy (NDS)

  • Panel Discussion: National Disability Strategy – Beyond 2020

Our Site

  • Tesch backs Our Site for women with disabilities

Other News

  • Plan International Report – Leaving No Girl Behind
  • The Anne Kantor Fellowship
  • RRR Women – Toward 2020 Public Forum
  • Survey: Inclusive Playgroups

Light purple background with purple heading WWDA News