WWDA and CYDA are running focus groups for girls, young women, feminine-identifying and non-binary young people with disability aged between 15-30 years.

We want to hear your stories, experiences and ideas so we can share them with the Disability Royal Commission (DRC) to let them know what you think could be done better for people with disability.  The DRC will use this important information and suggestions given by young people to make recommendations to the Australian Government, so that positive changes can be implemented. Through the DRC we can create the future we want, together!

Come and join one of our groups and have your say! Dates to choose from:

Monday 13th September 5:30 – 7:30 pm

Saturday 18th September 2:00 – 4:00 pm

Tuesday 21st September 12:00 – 2:00 pm

To show our appreciation, all participants will be paid with a $100 voucher.

We acknowledge that sharing your stories may be hard and we will have a wellbeing officer at the forum to provide support if needed and make referrals for you for extra support if required.

If you can’t participate in one of these sessions but still want to have your say we will also be launching a survey soon for you to complete.  Watch this space!

If you have any questions you can contact the Project Officer, Tess Moodie at tessm@wwda.org.au or on 0459 887 170.

If you are unsure about these sessions, or have any concerns about sharing your story with the DRC, you can contact Your Story for free legal advice on 1800 771 800 or at yourstory@legalaid.tas.gov.au

More information about the Royal Commission can be found on the WWDA website at https://wwda.org.au/campaign/disability-royal-commission/

a dark purple background with an aqua green semi-circle in the top left corner, and white, stripey purple and stripey blue semi-circles overlapping in the top right corner. Large, white text reads “Join one of our focus groups”, and beneath it smaller, white text reads “Are you a young woman, feminine-identifying or non-binary person with disability? We invite you to share YOUR story with OUR Disability Royal Commission”. In the bottom right corner is a white semi-circle and within it an orange and green oval-shaped logo and the words “CYDA” in white font and “Children and Young People with Disability Australia” in black font. In the bottom left corner is a white WWDA logo, which is a map of Australia made up of people and the words “Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA)” against a dark purple background