In July 2022, we announced WWDA’s newest project, Our Site 2.0. The project will increase the accessibility and usability of and develop a newly expanded section focusing on sex, relationships, relationship education and address the multiple forms of violence and abuse that women, girls and non-binary people with disabilities experience. 

Recently we called for applications from our members and supporters to apply to join the Our Site 2.0 Project Steering Committee. This committee will work together for the next two years to help steer the project and ensure it is delivered in a co-designed framework. 

We were overwhelmed when we received over 55 incredible applications from women and non-binary people with disability all around Australia. After some very tough decisions, we were able to select ten people, and we look forward to getting together for our first Project Steering Committee this month.

We want to thank all of you who applied; the experience and depth of your applications made the decision very difficult, and we are excited about working with you on this project in other ways. Throughout the next two years, there will be more opportunities, including online engagement groups, expert panels and surveys. So please watch our email newsletters or social media channels for more ways to get involved. 

Are you a WWDA member? If not, it’s free! Join here.

Light pink and white background, a pink and purple illustration of three people linking arms and walking. The text reads Out Site 2.0 Project Steering Committee selected