
Found 303 results for violence


17 May 2024, Hobart, TAS Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) acknowledges the 2024-25 Federal Budget but expresses concern over the missed opportunity for targeted action to improve the lives of women with disabilities. While some positive steps have been taken, transformative change is still needed to address the systemic inequalities faced by women, girls, feminine-identifying,…


Today, Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) is thrilled to officially launch Neve, a ground-breaking website co-designed by and for women, girls and gender diverse people with disabilities. Neve is a ground-breaking website in that it is in Easy Read. We believe this to be the first Easy Read first website. You can navigate to a…


We are thrilled to announce that on Thursday, 16 May 2024, our community will come together to launch Neve, a groundbreaking website co-designed exclusively for women, girls, feminine-identifying, and non-binary people with disabilities. After two years of collaboration and dedication, Neve stands as a testament to the power of community-centred design. Neve prioritises safety and…


A group of National Disability Representative Organisations (DROs) believe the changes announced in Federal Parliament to amend the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, can only work if people with disability and our families, supporters, communities and organisations are front and centre in their design, with the appropriate foundations in place. The NDIS delivers lifesaving and life changing supports for over 600,000 people with disability across Australia. However, 88% of people with disability…


Our Site was launched on International Women’s Day, 8th March 2020 as a virtual support centre for women, girls, feminine identifying, and non-binary people with disabilities. Through co-design, we created the change we want to see in the world.  Our Site covers five key topic areas chosen by women with disabilities:  Our Site also proudly…


This response outlines WWDA’s initial analysis and response to the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (Disability Royal Commission / DRC) and its 222 recommendations, which was tabled in the Australian Parliament on 29 September 2023. WWDA has been actively involved in all aspects of…


Many of the national Disability Representative Organisations (DROs) have raised key issues and concerns in a joint submission on the Australian Government’s response to the final report of the Royal Commission into Violence Abuse Neglect and Exploitation of people with Disability. People with disability must lead the responses to the Disability Royal Commission, including via…


At the recent Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on Friday, December 15, 2023, we would like to thank President Karin Swift, Treasurer Pamela Menere, and our senior staff members who provided a comprehensive overview of WWDA’s activities during the past financial year. We would also like to thank all our members who joined us and…


WWDA is growing Our Site and is holding two in-person workshops in Perth and Brisbane during October and November. As part of the co-design process, these workshops are for us to hear your feedback about our new website. We want to hear about what is important to you. These workshops are for women and gender-diverse…