This year, WWDA was able to send two attendees to the Indigenous Wellbeing Conference, Youth Network Member Lily Hodgson and Policy Advisory Group Member Cheryl Parker. Cheryl attended online, with Lily flying to Adelaide to attend the conference. 

“The conference itself was amazing and well thought out. It began with an incredible opening ceremony by Uncle Moogy, a Kaurna man, who gave us a smoking and song to welcome us to his Country. The conference facilitators had it set up so that at least 3 programs were running at the same time, so we had lots of choices to where in the building we’d go/see. 

Along with the conference being well hosted and thought out, the content was extremely relevant, helpful, and informative.” – Lily Hodgson Youth representative. 

Read Lily and Cheryl’s report below to read more about the conference! 

Purple/ pink background. A photo in the middle of Lily hodgson and an aboriginal elder dressed in traditional aboriginal marking and clothings. white text reads Indigenous wellbeing conference