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Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Easy Read update 16 March 2020

Women With Disabilities Australia have produced an Easy English document on the current CoronaVirus (COVID-19) for women and girls with...

International Women’s Day lifts the lid on human rights for women and girls with disability

Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) has launched a new website, Our Site, just in time for International Women’s Day. The...

New website champions the rights of women and girls with disability in Australia

(previously called Our Place) Over 100 women and girls with disability across Australia helped to create ‘Our Site’, a new...

Help promote Our Site (previously Our Place)

Can you help to promote our new website for women and girls with disability, Our Site? Women With Disabilities Australia...

NDIS Disability Sector Consultative Committee

Summary -19 November 2019 On 19 November 2019, the NDIS Commission Disability Sector Consultative Committee (the Committee) met for the...

Our Place set to launch March 6

Please note Our Place has now been changed to Our Site. What is it and why is it important? There...

Disability Royal Commission – Support Services

 The Australian Government is funding free and independent counselling and advocacy support for people engaging with or affected by the...

Position paper: The Status of Women and Girls with Disability in Australia

In 1995, the United Nations in Beijing, China held the Fourth World Conference on Women where all attending nations agreed...

Annual Report 2018-19

WWDA is pleased to release our Annual Report for the 2018/19 financial year. The Annual Report provides a summary snapshot...
  • Date 22 October 19

WWDA at UN COSP12: Full Report

This year Women With Disabilities Australia attended the 12th Conference of State Parties (COSP12) on the Convention on the Rights...

Congratulations to WWDA’s CEO!

WWDA congratulates our CEO, Carolyn Frohmader, who has been selected from over 300 nominees worldwide, to be a member of...

WWDA’s Election Platform 2019 announced!

WWDA has recently released its 2019 Election Platform. WWDA is calling on candidates and parties to commit to:   Address...

Have Your Say: Consultation Survey Launched for United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Shadow Report

A civil society CRPD Shadow Report Working Group, made up of Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs), disability representative and advocacy organisations...

People With Disability Welcome Our Royal Commission

Disabled People’s Organisations Australia (DPO Australia) welcomes Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s announcement on the formation of our Royal Commission and...

Royal Commission to Bring Justice for People with Disability

People with disability welcome the Federal Government’s commitment to fully funding our Royal Commission, as revealed in the 2019-20 Budget....

Disabled People’s Organisations Submission on Royal Commission Terms of Reference

Disabled People’s Organisations Australia (DPO Australia) has developed its Submission on the draft Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission...

Seeking Expressions of Interest for Expert Advisory Panel!

WWDA is seeking expert advisors for the Virtual Centre Women and Girls with Disability Australia (WWDA) has received funding to develop a...

WWDA Announces New Virtual Centre for Women and Girls with Disability

Women with Disabilities Australia is excited to announce that it has received funding from the NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme...


Roadmap for our Royal Commission 27 February 2019 Disabled People’s Organisations Australia (DPO Australia) has long been campaigning for a...

WWDA welcomes Federal Parliament support for Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse and Neglect Against People With Disability

People with disability, and our organisations, today welcome the vote in the Australian Parliament about a Royal Commission into the...

Open Letter to the Prime Minister Scott Morrison: The urgent need for a stand-alone Royal Commission into all forms of violence against people with disability

People with disability and our representative organisations are urging the Federal Government to call a stand-alone Royal Commission into all...

WWDA Welcomes New Board Members!

Late last year WWDA members voted on nominees for vacant positions on the WWDA Board. We are delighted to announce...
  • Date 5 February 19

Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA) 16 Days Campaign 2018

According to UN Women, one in three women around the world experience violence in their lifetime, often at the hands...

Submission to inform Fourth Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children 2010-2022

Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA) has provided a submission to the Australian Government to assist with informing the development of...

WWDA Management Committee Elections 2018

Voting is now open for the election of Management Committee Members to fill five vacancies. All members of Women with...
  • Date 11 December 18